
Paparazzi Look for Less!

Wow, check out these silver Petals Chandelier earrings from Blue Nile...$105, and at this moment they are backordered on their website.

You can get a VERY similar pair of Paparazzi chandelier earrings for only $5!!!  Available through me of course, and for $105 you can buy 21 items!  Men if you are looking for something unique for your girl this holiday, give her a shopping spree with Paparazzi...message me for details.


All About the Flowers

Fabric flowers are so easy to make, and can add flair to any top, jacket, hat, bag...you name it!  Trust me, once you start with these things, you will be addicted just like me!  I am going to outline how to make 3 different styles of fabric flowers.  You can see how I used these flowers in the tutorial for my Embellished Flower Tee!

You will need:
• Scraps of fabric and felt
• needle and thread, fabric tack, or hot glue
• scissors
• embellishments (optional)
• Pattern (for Sweetheart only).
Sweetheart Flower Pattern

The first style I like to call the "Sweetheart", and you will see why.

1. Start out with about 8-10 squares of your fabric.  If you are using my template you will need 3.5" squares for the large size, and 2" squares for the baby ones. Take each square and fold it in half, and then fold it in half again, so that it forms a smaller square.

2. Place the point of your heart pattern at the corner where the folds are, and pin in place.

3. Cut out pattern through all thicknesses.  Now you should have a clover shaped petal when opened.

4.  Create your corresponding circle shape out of felt.  Take each petal and fold back into heart shape, and with a needle and thread, or a dab of fabric tack or hot glue, attached the point of the heart to the center of the felt base.  When folding your hearts it is not necessary to match up the shapes exactly, in fact if you do match them up, your flower may not have as much body.  Try folding the shapes on the diagonal.

5. Continue attaching three more petals in the center (4 total), matching up the sides.

6. Add another layer of 4 more petals,making sure to stagger the placement so you are not stacking them exactly on top of one another.

7.  Fluff your petals a bit, and now you will start to see your flower take shape!  If adding an embellishment to the center, such as a button or rhinestone, you can do that now.

8. If you like the look of a plain flower, add two more petals to the center. Or in this example I added several layers of tulle.

And that's all there is too it!


Next we have the "Bird's Nest" flower.  This flower has a very romantic, shabby appearance, especially if you leave the edges raw.

1. Start out by taking at least 15"-20" length of fabric and cut 1"-1.5" strips from it.  To create the raw edges, simply snip a starting line with your scissors, and rip the rest of the strip off.  This will not work with knits, but will create a nice straight line with your woven fabrics.

2. Next tie a knot at the end of the strip...this will become the center of your flower.

3.  Fold your strip in half with the right sides facing out, and start to wrap the strip around the knot, turning every inch or so.  This may take a little practice, but you will start to get it down, and it will not need to be perfect.  Add a drop of glue, or make a stitch after every couple of turns.

4.  When the flower is at the size you want it to be, cut off the excess fabric, and simply glue or stitch the last bit down in the back.  Finish up with attaching a felt circle to the backside to hide your glue or stitches.


And last but not least we have a simple Rosette.

1. Determine what size you would like your finished flower to be, add .5" to that total, and that is how wide you will need to cut your strip of fabric.  Mine was about 3.5" wide, and about 24" long.  Fold the strip in half lengthwise, so that the long raw edges meet.

2.  Take a needle and thread, and make long even stitches all the way down the length of the folded strip.  You could also you use the basting stitch on your sewing machine.

3.  Pull the tail of your string to gather the fabric.  Tuck under one end (I like to fold twice, and angle it down...see pic), and secure it with glue or stitch down.

4. Next create your Rosette by wrapping the gathered strips around the center point, with the raw edges to the center.  Secure with thread or glue, and add felt backing.

Of course with any of these flowers you can jazz them up with embellishments.  A cluster of tiny pearls, a big rhinestone, a button...I've even glued tiny bird eggs I found in the floral section of the craft store.  This is the part where you get to be creative!

If all this looks cool, but a little too complicated for you, my $5 Paparazzi flower clips are AWESOME!  They have both an alligator clip and a brooch pin on the back, and some even come with a pony tail holder.  Comment on this post, or email me, and I can tell you how to buy!

Knock off for less! Embellished Flower Tee

Hey there fashionistas!  Today I will be showing you how to re-create this adorable top from Tea Collection!

I love the gathered neck detail on this top, but for the sake of ease and price tag, I just picked up a solid long sleeve tee from my local thrift store.  Actually I found 4 super soft tees, same size from the Children's Place for 99 cents each...pretty hard to beat!

Instead of copying the "TEA" shirt exactly, I thought it would be really fun to integrate different types of fabric flowers.  I started out with some scraps of fabric I had in my craft closet.  Of course this is an advantage I have from years of sewing, but I have seen fabric scraps lots for sale on ebay or garage sales, etc. and they really do come in handy!  You can also check out the fat quarter section of your fabric store or most places usually have a remnant section as well which is usually discounted.
I wanted the colors to really pop, so I ended up with 4 solid colors in varying weights and textures, and one print.  The lime green faux boise wood pattern is especially sentimental to me because this scrap was left over from the crib bedding I made for my baby girl!  See now I am recycling special memories too...love it!

Check out my next post All About the Flowers to see how I created the fabric flowers out of my scrap fabric pieces.  I created 5 flowers for this project and made sure to vary the sizes for visual interest.  I also chose to use the sewing method for these flowers, so that they would not fall apart in the washer.  Once they were completed I played around with the placement a bit, and then pinned them down around the neckline of the tee. 

To secure them to the tee, once again I used a needle and thread, and carefully stitched each flower down.  Taking care only to stitch the felt circle the flower is attached to.  It is also important to tie off after each flower is stitched in place, as opposed to sewing them all down with one length of thread.  This will prevent the shirt from stretching, and the threads may break when you try to put it over your cutie's head.
(inside of garment to show stitching)

I embellished two of the flowers...one with a coordinating button, and one with a large craft rhinestone, which I just hot glued on.  She wore this top today, and I got a ton of compliments on it.  I bet no one would believe it only cost me 99 cents and about 45 min of work!


What she wore!

Remember the fun fabrics I picked up several weeks ago from Hancock Fabrics?  Well, here is the first outfit that came from those finds!  I made this for her to wear to our Thanksgiving dinner.  It's hard to tell from these grainy pics, but the pants are knit, and they are SOOO soft!  I embellished them with a cute little label, but they are hand made.  I'm calling these the Shortcake Pant and I will be posting a pattern for them as soon as I get it graded for ya!  It will be a two in one, with an option for a wide leg, no ruffle as well.  With a super comfy yoga waistband, these are my new fav pants!



FREE Ear Warmer Headband Pattern!

I have been wanting to make one of these for so long, and with the cold weather nearing I was finally inspired to try out this free pattern.  This pattern is a little more difficult than making a scarf because of the increases and decreases, but it's still fairly easy.  The author has a link to a page of tips too.

Here is a pic of my finished project.  Oh, and by the way, I got my yarn at the Dollar Tree, and it's nice looking...not too cheap I promise.
And for those of you who love the look, but are not the knitting type, here is a link to my friend Jody's store, Bagabow where she has really cute ones for sale!



Hand painted Farmer's Market sign


I have been drooling over the signs in these photos for quite a while now, and I decided to create one for my own kitchen.  For those of you who know my family, we have been on special eating program called the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet for the past 6 months.  "GAPS what?" you say?  Well, you can google it for now, but I will be posting more about this amazing diet in the future.  We have become regulars at our local butcher and farmer's market and eat a lot of raw milk, organic fruits and veggies, and pastured eggs...thus the inspiration for my sign!  We also eat a lot of liver and fat too, but somehow these foods just don't have the same charm, do they?  Here is a quick tutorial to make a sign like mine.  Of course you can use any wording you like, but I'm including a pdf of my artwork if you want to recreate it exactly.

• print out of artwork.  Download my artwork HERE.
• piece of reclaimed wood OR painted sign from craft store
• soft pencil or carbon paper
• acrylic craft paint - background color and text color
• paint brushes - I used an angled flat brush to help create the straight lines in the text, and a large foam brush for the background color
• thin chain for hanging
• picture hanging hardware
• cup hooks

1. Paint your piece of wood with your background color.  Rather then trying to find a piece of reclaimed wood somewhere, I found a sign at Hobby Lobby that was the perfect size and 50% off.  It had words already painted on it similar to this one, but I just painted my cream color right on top.
When painting the background, I didn't worry about perfectly straight edges...I like the rustic charm of the rough edges.

2. Enlarge artwork to the size of your wood, and print out in tiles.  Tape tiled print outs together where they line up.  In order to transfer the design to the wood, I like to use a soft pencil and color the backside of the artwork with it.  Make sure to cover all the outlines you will need to trace.  Alternately, you can skip this and just use a piece of carbon paper to transfer the design.

3. Once the paint on your sign is dry, place your print out over the surface, and line it up so that it's straight with the top and bottom edges.  Use tape to secure it, so it doesn't slip! With a pen trace the outlines of the artwork so that it transfers to the wood below.  Check periodically to make sure it is transferring...you may have to use some pressure when tracing.

4. Now that the outline of your artwork is transferred to the wood, you are ready to start painting!  Take your text color and paint inside your outlines.  I like to paint the outlines of each letter first and then fill in to ensure straight lines.  This may takes some patience, but I find the process to be very relaxing.

5. Attach picture hangers to the back, top corners of your sign, then hook one end of each chain to the picture hanger, and hang the other ends of the chains from cup hooks in your ceiling.

If you like you can rough it up with some sandpaper once it's all dry, or rub a little bit of stain or watered down paint onto the corners and outer edges for a more vintage look.  Since my house is very modern, I kept it clean.

And VOILA, my finished hand painted sign!  I love how it brings the eye upward and fills the space without creating a wall.  It was super easy to make, and now one of my favorite pieces because I made it personal.



Fall Goodies

I am just crazy about the beautiful designs produced by companies like Matilda Jane, and Persnickety Clothing.  The designers for these collections are brilliant and I love EVERYTHING they produce.  Problem is, I can't afford to dress my child in their clothes all the time, so I went to my local fabric store - in this case Hancocks - and picked out some fabrics for a couple of new dresses.  Since good knits are hard to find, and generally more expensive, I chose mostly woven prints.  There are so many companies out there now that make super adorable collections, and you can usually find these near the quilting section.  Depending on the look you are going for you can either find several prints that are coordinating, but I like to throw in a print that is totally unexpected, and isn't so matchy-matchy.  This is sometimes hard to do, because it's easier to just buy coordinates, but I think this gives the outfit that extra "wow" factor.  Here is what I came home with, and the best part was the total for all 6 pieces was less then $10.  I can't wait to start sewing!  Check back soon to see my progress, and a free pattern for my favorite pants!


A glimpse into my insanity...

If I had a dime for every time someone said to me, "You should start a business doing (whatever it is I'm creating at the moment)", I would be a very rich girl!  I think if I didn't have at least 4-5 projects going at any given moment I would probably stop functioning.  You see, that is what makes me tick...I love creating, but turning that passion into profit would take all the joy away for me.  So, instead of making a business out of my ideas, I'm going to share them with you!  I always have something in the works, so here you will get to peak inside my brain, and hopefully become inspired to create things for your own home and family.  

My dream for this blog is to share craft tutorials, original sewing patterns, and even my favorite...knock offs for less!  I will also be showcasing the amazing company I represent, Paparazzi Accessories.  I will be updating my inventory photos often, and promoting our fabulous goodies.  Oh, and by the way...everything is $5!  Yeah, you read it right...$5!!!  I am the $5 Fashionista...welcome to my world!